Welcome to CAO Elite Allstars! We are in our 20th season and can't wait to experience all that is in store for the Allstars in Orange & Blue. We are located in the South Metro Atlanta area of Georgia serving over 200 athletes through classes, clinics, show teams and full season teams. Take a look around to learn more about what we offer and how to join our family.
Black Beyond Measure with Target featuring Santwon & CAO ELITE
We are more than jumps, tumbling and stunts. At CAO we are more than cheer, we a family. Your teammates become more like siblings, cheer parents become your village.
We show up to support each other on and off the mat. Scholastic achievements, birthday celebrations, prom send off & more...we're there for each other.
We push our athletes to be the best they can be and meet the goals they've set for themselves. It may not feel good today, but that's why we love tomorrow.